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+ We work hard to stay on top.

NuclearFallout Enterprises, Inc. is a premium US game server provider that aims to rent out the highest possible performance game servers at the lowest possible cost, while at the same time offering outstanding service and making available powerful additional features.

Nuclearfallout has been in operation since 2001, and we’ve been selling premium game servers since 2002 – since before the term “GSP” was even bandied about. We’ve stayed a top provider because we’ve always offered the highest performance servers, with unmatched service and support and a top-notch control panel and automated systems.

We ensure performance in many ways.

  • By purchasing and colocating the latest in server hardware, including (as of this writing) the fastest quad-core machines available on a dual-socket platform, and by never overloading our machines
  • Through extensive high-tech automated systems that constantly monitor our network and directly handle downed machines and load-balancing, also notifying us of any network outages and slowdowns, and efficiently handling server creations and upgrades
  • With premium InterNAP bandwidth, which is the highest-quality single source of transit available and links us up with all the major National Service Providers (NSPs), including Level(3), AT&T, Global Crossing, Sprint, UUnet, Verio, and Savvis
  • By custom route tweaking — at most locations, we can investigate routing performance problems and perform adjustments to fix them
  • At three of our locations, by running the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) on our own routers and using other transit providers in very specific ways, to bring overall performance even higher than InterNAP alone
  • In Seattle, through direct gigabit-level peering to major ISPs and by fusing two InterNAP Points of Presence (PoPs) via multiple routers and an internal backbone

The service level we provide simply can’t be beat.

  • All our staff members are both dedicated and knowledgeable and can help out with just about any problem a customer runs into. Our level of knowledge is unsurpassed; many years in the business have taught us not just how to run reliable servers and networks at peak performance and at sustainable prices, but also how to support them properly.
  • Our help request system instantly connects customers to a staffmember and is tied into our database to make the help quick and painless (and it’s built right into our control panel).
  • Fast email help puts customers directly in touch with the people in charge.
  • The staff handles game and OS updates and constantly monitors bandwidth and CPU levels, so you won’t have to worry about anything but customizing your server and playing the game.
We may be one of the largest game server providers, but we’re still a very small company — we likely make less in revenue than a single fast food restaurant. Our small size and staff works to our customers’ advantage because our customers know they can get the same knowledgeable people helping them every time, and because we can react very quickly to customer needs. We see every order and every cancellation and every customer is important to us.

Our control panel is renowned as the best available. It has all of the features one would expect any CP to offer, plus numerous others.

  • The ability to start and stop the server
  • A live status link to see the server’s status from the perspective of our webserver, and usage graphs to show its player history
  • Simple, direct file editing through a built-in File Manager, and an FTP link for game servers to make more advanced changes (with full access to the server)
  • An “Easy setup” page for many game types that makes initial server setup a breeze
  • Multiple user support with logging
  • .. and many more

We do all of this in a cost-effective manner through streamlined automated systems and procedures that we’ve honed through years of experience, by negotiating for the best bandwidth prices, by building all our own machines, and by passing on value to our customers (if something doesn’t cost us much, it won’t cost you much — a Ventrilo server, webhosting, email, and HLTV [if applicable] come free for 12+ player servers, for instance).

Of course, we’re also constantly improving! We could keep going strong with what we already have set up, but instead we’re always striving to be better. John alone has logged tens of thousands of hours debugging and improving our control panel and automated backend systems, tweaking both our Windows and Linux machines to their absolute best, and performing network reroutes and improvements like the ones we mentioned above.



  1. By far the best gsp we have been with in the past many years. Awesome support. Fully automated so that if the server goes down, it will restart on it’s own. So your never down.

  2. Absolutely the best we have come across. Instant support is by far on the top of all others. Performance is awesome.

  3. Testing BF3 Beta servers, we found the server ran very well, with a minimal occasional lag spike. So few that it wasn’t perfect, but so few spikes that it rates 4.5/5.

  4. Nuclear Fallout Servers To The Rescue.
    Posted on December 23, 2011 by BadBadRobot – 164 Views

    One month before the release of Battlefield 3 & Modern Warfare 3, we at GSN Gaming realized that because of our recent growth it was time to get away from pay per slot servers and rent a dedicated gaming machine. We only had one requirement: It had to be able to handle multiple Battlefield 3 64-slot servers. After shopping around for different server providers we ended up having to decide between Nuclear Fallout & Hypernia.

    After many clan meetings to go over details and pricing, we finally decided that a 2x Intel Xeon Westmere E5620 2.4GHZ server from Hypernia would support the growth of our community. We were assured over phone calls and emails with Hypernia that this server would be handle many 64-slot Battlefield 3 servers, as well as any other games we wanted to run. (This is after they had done testing of their own during the open beta). We were excited to finally have our own box. Little did I know how big of a mistake this move would be.

    One Month Later

    Battlefield 3 launched and many servers from many providers were not able to run 64-slot servers without lagging, rubber banding and crashing. We contacted Hypernia and they told us it was not the performance of the server, but rather the actual BF3 game files. DICE did the best they could to quickly release patches to fix these issues. In the meantime to decrease the lag, rubber banding and crashes, we reduced our slot count to 48 on each battlefield 3 server. Anymore then 48 players would cause issues. Patch after patch came, but none that fixed our problem. We continued to submit support ticket after support ticket to Hypernia about these issues. They assured us again it wasn’t their server and instead was DICE & Punkbuster and it would probably be fixed in the next patch. So we waited.

    Three Months Later

    Around the R12 patch we were still having these issues. I quickly started reaching out to other server companies to see if their servers were still seeing these issues with 64 players. Many server providers responded with “We haven’t seen these issues since the R8 patch.” My jaw dropped. This whole time Hypernia was saying that it was DICE, when it clearly was our 2x Intel Xeon Westmere E5620 2.4ghz server. I quickly brought this to the attention of the support staff at Hypernia. Over and over I asked them straight and to the point questions on whether our server could handle Battlefield 3. Every reply I received ignored my direct question and blamed the lag on everything but them. I knew Hypernia had lied to us and they just gobbled up $1,200 (3 months) of our community donations. I was furious.

    Around this time I found a forum thread from another gaming community called Geezer Gaming that was having the same exact issues as us. Guess who was their host? Hypernia. Guess which server they had? The same server as us. I quickly got ahold of the clan leader, and after 20+ emails, we realized we had both been ripped off. Geezer Gaming then told us after 7+ years of hosting with Hypernia they could not believe they did this to them, and that they planned on moving to NFO servers as soon as possible.

    Time To Take Action

    The next day I started talking with Nuclear Fallout support about switching over. Both the support team and the NFO president John were EXTREMELY helpful with my questions and always replied within minutes of my email. Even though it was clear at that point that we needed to move server providers, I felt bad because the community here at GSN had worked so hard everyday to keep our servers running and full to raise the rank of the server. Moving meant we were going to disappear from players favorite list and have to start all over. After talking with the members at GSN, everyone quickly agreed we needed to move. That day we put in a cancellation for our server with Hypernia, and put in a new order for a E3-1270 dedicated server from Nuclear Fallout. This was the best decision we could have ever made for GSN Gaming.

    Within 1 day, our server was installed and ready to be used. (We waited 9 days for our server to be setup with Hypernia). We quickly installed (4) Battlefield 3 64-slot servers on our new machine from NFO and played for hours without any type of lag or rubber banding. Within 2 weeks we have been able to get our server ranks back to where they were with absolutely no lag, rubber banding or frequent crashing. Think of where our rank will be in another 2 weeks.

    Update: Our servers are now all within the top 100-200 in the world.

    The Moral of the Story

    If your thinking of going with Hypernia, don’t do it. Save yourself the hassle, stress and disapointment and just sign up with Nuclear Fallout. They are more expensive then the competition, but their service, servers and support is worth every single penny.

  5. NFO Servers service’s is yet our best provider for servers such as Mumble, MineCraft and other Gaming Servers. As a professional minority gaming organization, we depend on companies such as NFO Servers that contain the right experience and liability for their products. We plan to use NFO Servers for a very long time!

    ~ Scott Fredricks & Chase Spence
    – unNerved Gaming CEO, unNerved Gaming Co-CEO Chair.

  6. Just a quick type up about our new server provider,

    Their quality and service is 5/5 and their internet connection must run on hardware that hasn’t been released yet (in short, their internet connection is top quality!). Pings are very stable and so is the CPU. The VDS’s internet connection outdoes the servers (previously the best internet connection in Crysis Wars) by around 5x!!!

    On my old VDS server (5 cores, 3GB RAM), CPU usage was always above the 80s but now on NFO and running 10 Crysis Wars game servers with 2GB RAM and 2 cores, CPU usage is actually lower at around 10% at full load!

    If you are thinking of switching to NFO then DO IT!!! It will be the best decision you have ever made!

    ==UPDATE 19th March 2012==
    We have been having some problems with our MW3 server crashing when someone tried to join it. The problems are fixed thanks to NFOServers CEO, John who “got his hands dirty” and solved the problem!

    Thanks to all at NFOServers for the super service!

  7. so i used to host with another company.. i even prepaid a year with them…then i found NFO…man i wish i had found you guys earlier…its been a few months now and i am NEVER going anywhere else.Superior VPS And Customer service is matched NOWHERE else. i appreciate all you do for us gamers.

    Thank you

    David Gonsalves

  8. I signed up for a 1-Core VDS at the beginning of June 2011 (a year ago) to host a couple of game servers. I opted for an unmanaged VDS running Windows server 2008. The 1 core plan was fine for 25 or so people. I upgraded the server to 2 cores and 2gb of ram. The upgrade process was effortless and it took less than an hour. It was especially nice over the summer when more people were online, because I could easily upgrade and then downgrade once people started going back to school. In January, I switched to a managed VDS and while it took me a while to get used to NFo’s control panel (I was used to TCAdmin), I became very fond of it. Adding new servers was easy and fast, and managing my servers was a breeze.

    I never had any downtime that wasn’t planned. Even when someone was getting DDoSed on the same box as me, I didn’t notice any hiccups. The support staff was always quick to remedy any network issues and they always notified me of any issues before I even knew about them.

    Support tickets were always replied to within an hour (usually a couple of minutes), with the one exception of easter when I submitted a ticket at 3 A.M. and didn’t hear back until 10 A.M. or so (completely understandable). The support staff was always helpful and professional.

    Overall, my experience at NFo was excellent, and I highly recommend their services. I ended up canceling my service because I decided to get a full dedicated server from another provider.

    Service – 10/10
    Control Panel – 10/10
    Support – 10/10
    Value – 10/10

  9. My experience with Nuclear Fallout has been outstanding. I had been hosting my own server for a while, but I decided it was high time to start renting. I Google’d for a bit until I came to SPUF. I saw a post about Nuclear Fallout being the best TF2 server host. I wasn’t sure what the price would be, but I still checked it out. I was skeptical at first, but as soon as I joined the test server, I knew this was going to be my host. It’s a shame I don’t use the SQL or free website. We already had forums before so I didn’t use the SQL database at all. The price is only slightly higher than other crappy hosts. You get so much more out of their servers too. You don’t have to pay extra for replays, no crappy 25000 restricted rate, and a lot for noobs. I’m not a noob anymore to hosting servers, but if I was, I would have no trouble setting up my server. Everything is explained in the config files, they give you instructions, they tell you when there is an update, and have direct donations. This is by far the best host I’ve ever used. I was with Xenon server for a Garry’s Mod server. Never again. The server worked fine for about a week, but then it got slower and slower until it was unplayable. It was so laggy on the server with only 2 props on it. I was angry how my server was throttled because of an over loaded machine. Not with Nuclear Fallout. They make sure they don’t over load the servers. They don’t just care about money; they care about the experience. All in all I would say this: don’t settle for less. Get the best.

  10. Damn, it feels like yesterday, It has really been 6 years?
    I remember going on IRC first time ever and asked some pre-sale questions, I think Joker & Nick were helping me with some pre-sale questions.

    Before then I use to play in the community servers that NFo use to host for a while, during the 1.6 days.
    My first server I ever rented was in Seattle, it became an instant hit 24/7 D2/Office maps. It use to cost a bit back then for CS:S servers here at NFo, but they provided a damn good service and people loved their pings due to Internap Bandwidth.

    Eventually I decided to move in San Jose because most of my user base was in the South Cali area and the server popularity sky rocketed at that moment also.

    NFo support & the reliable type of service that NFo provided has kept me here for so many years and I am not disappointed at all.

    I am happy to also say that NFo took care all of my support tickets, never ever a support ticket went unresolved.

    I run a pretty good size community: and lets be upfront here, without NFo and the excellent service NFo has provided over the years we would not be here today.
    My squad has been around for 9 years now since the Black Hawk Down days and we were on the verge of calling it quits since things didn’t work out well after BHD died down and our BF2 server wasn’t become popular.

    Since then, we moved on to CS:S and we didn’t have a huge community, we had a group of 5 people that were on a regular basis and we did not have luck with previous GSP’s.

    So we decided to give NFo servers a try and our server became #2 ranked in Seattle right behind Up in Smoke server, it was a huge accomplishment.
    This helped reviving our community; from then on we took off and never came back down.
    Fast forwarding now we run multiple servers, we have a huge community, we are one of the most popular CS:S servers here in the US/West Coast, couldn’t be happier.

    People Donate to keep our servers up because we provide a fun & positive experience without the hassle of a laggy server.

    With that said, I am looking forward for another amazing year with NFo.

    John & To’mas created an awesome company that truly cares about their clients and the level of service they provide.

  11. Hands down the best GSP of all time.Support is nearly instant 24/7!
    What more can you ask for?,its like they sit there and wait for your questions 7 days a week.

    Best performance Guaranteed.

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